22 January 2007


Well did not do alot over the weekend apart from sort the garden out after the storms. Needed some new fencing which now needs to be stained.

Have finished another RR piece (Kim's evenweave piece), and have started on Yvlas evenweave piece. Have one more rr in my pile plus a logo square to do for the OECS project and then maybe I can start on something of my own. Need to get on with Roadster Santa, I also want to start Mirabilia's Summer Queen for and Aunts 60th birthday present. Have until the end of may to get it completed. Would also like to finish this year my Bearing Gifts which has been an ongoing project for the past 3 years. I need to email dimensions for some more thread as I have ran out of 3 colours.

well off to town today with mum, and then shopping at asda and then back to the stitching

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